Monday, July 16, 2007

whine alert

I am getting so frustrated with pain, not being able to do my own laundry, clean my own house, take care of my own kids, feed us all.

I knew I was getting low on pain meds this weekend, but the docs office is closed till monday. I called in the afternoon today, Monday, and because of the medication being 'a controled substance' you have to have a paper perscription. Big neusance, Lawrence drives from San Jose to San Francisco to pick up by 5p. Annoying, but since I didn't count my meds on Friday, something that needed to be done. Well, they forgot to put the date on the perscription in the rush, and now, at 830p we get a call from the pharmacy, we can't fill this percription without a date.......... I don't have enough meds to last the night, and am in pain, already not feeling well in general, and now Lawrence is out trying to find a pharmacy to fill this percription at 845p! He has my medical card and ID so hopefully this can be done. The kids haven't eaten, I made some spagetti, but they aren't here yet to eat, they have to get up for cool Jungle Kamp tomorrow, a good thing, but all very frustrating.

I can't remember if I've already complained about a severely low-fat diet I'm on to heal my gap/whole in my Lymphatic system. The thoracic part of the lyphatic system carries the triglycerides, so to heal it, you give it a break, no fat. The only fat I can eat is from the 5oz meat I'm allowed each day. Even lean chicken, fish etc.. carries fat. I thought I knew a lot about nutrition, but as with all things in life, the more you learn, the more you find out you don't know much.

Enough grumping for now. Please keep the prayers coming, or going. I think I may be low on getting my sunshine.

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