Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A move to Fremont

I am praying we move to Fremont, to a neighborhood called Glenmore. This move makes sense on many levels. 2 weeks ago today I began to share this desire with my family group, aka bible study. Friday after that I met a new friend Janna, via a growing friendship with Amy. I mentioned in passing this desire. At the end of our park day Janna said let's pray we all live in the same neighborhood! Knock me over! A strong desire of mine is to be in community, to raise my children with other similar minded people. To have run into someone with a similar desire and willing to pray together right here and now! So we joined hands and prayed we end up in the same neighborhood. I'm so excited. When God moves, it is always immeasurably more than we can imagine, ask for, or our mind can conceive.

Those joining our prayer for this move, that it add to our testimony, for a blessing in finding a home with the Lords fingerprints all over it. The caveat, I only want this move if it truly is best for our family. Seems like it will be. Lawrence will cut 1 hour a day off of his commute. My prayer for the house itself: an eat-in kitchen, a space for homeschooling, a climbing tree in the yard, a yard big enough for a trampoline, a dog run?, dirt area, grass area

Sunday, January 27, 2008

mudman returns

I should have known I'd have another opportunity sometime to show you my mudman. Silas covered himself in (ajax), yikes. I ran and grabbed the camera, then cleaned him up. I recognized the smell, but it didn't click that it was ajax until I found the evidence. I haven't used it for cleaning in a while, have moved to natural stuff so kids won't have problems with toxic exposure! Ironic I know!

Too much work to download the camera now, will add another time.

We are praying God will bless our family with a move to Fremont. We are looking to rent in the Glenmore area. This would cut 1 hour off of lawrence's daily commute, and bring us closer to a hopeschool, church community. We are in a great commuting location now to anywhere in the bay area, but that also means, not too much community right here.

Please join us in prayer that the Lord will reveal the best for us, beyond what we could have asked for, conceived in our mind or heard of. When the Lord moves and blesses, he gives so much, for our ability to bless others, build our testimony and whatever I can't even think of.

A home with a kitchen as the heart, a yard big enough for a large trampaline, a place for homeschooling base, it's own room.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Silas spitting?!?! Malachi

Under the boardwalk

Uncle Joey and Autnie E - aka EJoe with Isabella.

See, here is the sea anemone, and the sea star.


The Crows landed and snacked on fresh seaweed.This one is just so cute.... Silas, putting up the tent.
out of time sequence, but I'm sure you've guessed that.

Caleb Silas
Silas Malachi

We visited 'Starfish City' this winter on one of the coldest days of the year! As many times as we've visited Santa Cruz, we've never seen this vast treasure trove of sea life. There were anemones, muscles, barnacles - huge and small, crabs, snails, misc. crustaceans. Sooo cool. I'll post other pics. I thought I'd named them so they'd be easier to find, but only 'Starfish City', so named by Caleb.
Silas making a sand pile