Thursday, May 24, 2007

SF Bay Don Edwards fieldtrip

Tomorrow is the Dr appt. Please pray for Gods favor to be on me. Wisdom for the Doc and myself and peace in our home and on all of us as we take the next step towards health and healing, one way or another.

tracks in the mud. Who was here?

The kids experience how malard ducks take flight. Some of these ducks would take longer than others to take off!

What's the difference between a pelican bone and a deer bone. Why?

kids were broken into smaller classes.
Barn owl wing.

Caleb and Malachi in front right of picture, burnt orange sweatshirt.

A couple Thursdays ago we went to Don Edwards on a field trip. Caleb and Malachi got to disect owl pellets, see different wings, feet, beeks, taste pickel weed, learn about the habitats and how different animals live in thier habitats.

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