Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mothers Day and my birthday

For mothers day I asked for the family to spend time gardening together. Lawrence and the boys bought all the supplies while I took a nap in the car with Silas. If you know me, this is uncharicteristic, usually, I can't sleep anywhere no matter how tired I am. I was recovering from a cold.

Once home, time to garden, I left to pick up my mom, car trouble. When I came home all the plants and orange TREE were planted! What a great gift. They planted beans, tomato's, watermelon, corn, and several types of squash. BBQ vegetables from the garden, yummmmmm.

In the front yard we are making a butterfly/ hummingbird garden. Our yard has come a long way baby. We've been in our house 10 years. We moved in, May 1997 and we were the weedy lawn neighbors for a long time. So nice to have a usable, and beautiful yard!

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