Wontok Children Summer 2008 Supply List
We will be delivering supplies both with and without backpacks this season. Cases of supplies welcome.
1. Crayons
2. Pens
3. Pencils
4. Spiral Notebooks
5. Glue Sticks
6. Scissors
7. Pencil Sharpeners
8. Soft Toothbrushes
9. Dental Floss
10. Washcloths
11. Stickers
12. Small toys (no liquid or chemical filled toys) Think longevity, able to get dirty and still be usable
ie: small balls, matchbox cars, marbles,
$80 (cash donations will go to shipping costs unless otherwise requested)
Children’s bibles
(There are many ‘creative’ children’s bible’s, listed are biblically accurate, great children’s bible story books)
1. Egermeier's Bible Story Book - by Elsie E. Egermeier
2. The Child's Story Bible – by Catherine Voss
3. Children's Illustrated Bible - by Selina Hastings
4. The Picture Bible – by Iva Hoth
Questions? Suggestions?
Leave a comment in the blog.
Who is this for? Children in Mapandan, Pangasinan Province in the Philippines
Elana’s Passing
1 day ago