Saturday, October 11, 2008

The mother of all yards, host to the mother of all weeds, host to the AquinoClan

The ice dispenser that started it all! Thank you kids for jamming ripped paper, blueberries, and whatever else you see in there. The consequence for those 2 boys who filled the ice dispenser was to weed 15 weeds. Caleb got on a roll and weeded from 10:30a- 7:30p with snack breaks. That kid is so determined. He got Malachi and me to join in and weed, not nearly the same amount of hours though!

Jumping squirl in mid air (Caleb took the picture) To see you probably have to double click.

Malachi is holding a paper wasp nest. One of the treasures unearthed in the weeding.



Doing some washing. Walking the cardboard path through the weeds.

Caleb getting started on turning the dirt for his garden.


Elizabeth said...

Cool squirrel picture. I saw his tummy as his paws are reaching for the branch.

Aquino Clan said...

I am so excited to have a regular commenter:)