Life in the oven is going well. We are out of Popsicles, I'm wondering if I make smoothies, how soon can they freeze into Popsicles? I melt in this weather. An east-coast acquaintance has said us Bay Area types are weather wimps, I confess, I'm a weather wimp, especially in the 87+ side of things.
Malachi spent most of the day yesterday doing an activity book he found amongst the books. Dot-to-dots, counting, coloring, writing numbers. After this, Malachi found a school work book I was given a long time ago for Caleb, and started writing in the letters, tracing, filling in the missing letters. We are working on his letter form. He is willing and eager to learn and enjoys it. 2 days ago he took our letter place mat and wrote out all the capital letters, lowercase letters and even the words to the song that are written on it(we are doing sing spell read and write).
I had heard in a conference on CD, you can teach a child to read in 3 years or 3 weeks, depending on when they are ready. So why force the child beyond what they are truly ready for.
My body is feeling better overall, still have the feeling of tightness like a piece of duct tape is pulling around where the scars are and beyond. Lots of numbness. Please pray my nerves reconnect and heal properly. I am doing more activity, by hook or by crook. Sometimes I pay a little sometimes a lot. I am having a stabbing pain on my lower left rib. I did get to see a body worker, Dave who has worked with me quite a lot before the surgery, before Camille. God has really used him to shrink the mass so that the ribs had to spread less than they would have.
When I originally had the 'information packet' measured the longest measurement was 8.5cm to 9cm depending on which scan we go by. When it was removed, the longest measurement was 5.5cm. Praise God!! I recently was taking in this information, realizing that I would have been in more pain, since the tumor was hard, and not pliable, my ribs would have been pulled apart further. So truly God is good to me!
Elana’s Passing
1 day ago