Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Wontok Children

I recently realized I haven't shared much about Wontok Children, the non-profit I am working on starting. If anyone has started a 501(c)(3) and wants to help get the bylaws and paperwork set up, let me know:)

Some great service opportunities if you want to join in this project. We need many things for the backpack project. You can buy backpacks, or any of the supplies. In August, there are so many sales! Backpacks are on sale in September. I bought them for only $5 at Walgreens and Longs last year. We also need donations for shipping costs, and then a fun day of packing the backpacks. Bring your kids and get them involved blessing other children! We have so much here, our struggles financially are a far cry from the true poverty of this province. What an amazing opportunity to help others. To touch those starving children in Africa, if you don't know what I'm talking about......... You know when you had to clean your plate as a kid because you had food, albeit gross, and the kids in Africa are starving, how did this help them exactly?

Below is a rough idea of what WONTOK CHILDREN is, and where I see it going.

Do you believe in co-incidences? I don't. Many things come together at just the right time, providence, God's sovereignty? I think so.


Mission Statement:
· Share Christ’s love
· Discipleship
· Empowerment through education, reading
· Teach living intentionally

Broaden minds of children through education, literature, teach basic life skills, parenting, vocational training, entrepreneurial development, provide job opportunities. Help impoverished girls to see hope in their future, not end up using their bodies for survival.

Project List:

1. Lending Library at local Mapandan School- donated children’s books

2. School Supplies – providing teachers with supplies
3. Backpack Project- each child gets a backpack at the school
4. Building Library on commercial land in Mapanda
a. Pay back taxes on land, get title (Lawrence's family owns a small property there)
b. Building structure
c. Librarian – story hours, filing books, managing library
d. Shelving
e. Computers with internet service ??
f. Music listening area ??

5. Boarding School style Community-
a. To build a community, boarding school style to house, feed, and educate orphans and local children. Parental involvement will be required for children with parents. Co-op style.
b. Where Christ is taught as truth, with biblical values.
c. Charlotte Mason style education. Math, reading, phonics, writing taught up to lunchtime with well supervised time to explore the world with magnifying glasses, bug nets etc… after lunch.
d. Strong work ethic will be learned. Everyone will have a job.

Backpack Project-

Our goal is to give each child a backpack, one entire classroom at a time(43-45 students per class). Each backpack includes:

Optional items(find sponsors)
Toothbrush (instructions for use)
Hand sanitizer

Spiral Notebook
1 book
1 biblically accurate story book or Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Voss or Egermeier’s Bible Story Book
Pencil sharpener
Small toy or stuffed animal

Opening minds through reading is the best gift to assist impoverished people out of poverty. The world is at your fingertips if you can read. Readers are leaders.

School Supplies
Our goal is to provide "Mapandan Elementary" with the teaching supplies the teachers need to properly teach.
· Chalk
· Classroom pencil sharpener
· Age appropriate writing paper
· Teacher planner
· Large hand sanitizer dispenser

Shipping Costs
We are prayerfully considering using a shipping container and sending books , backpacks and any other supplies all at once. We are accepting donations to cover shipping costs. The shipping container is from port to port, Oakland to Manila. Vans, and or trucks will need to be rented from Manila to Mapandan, as well as drivers.

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