Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cardinals and Red Socks

We are now a few weeks into the baseball season. I was late to Malachi's practice, and I had Malachi, I was so encouraged and had to share. There were so many parents out on the field. It looked like workshops going on. Since I had complained, it was important to share. Some of you must be praying!! I happily watched for a short time, then went over to Caleb's game and cheered him on. I'll take some pictures and you can see the evolution of his stance. He takes his batting stance very seriously now. Caleb's coach is so high energy......he yells out randomly, "Red Socks ______" and the kids and parents yell, "Rock". He also yell/asks the kids, "WHO ARE WE?" and they mumble back "Red Socks". The kids are getting a little louder. I don't know which is more amusing, the coach or the kids.

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