Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Silas spitting?!?! Malachi

Under the boardwalk

Uncle Joey and Autnie E - aka EJoe with Isabella.

See, here is the sea anemone, and the sea star.


The Crows landed and snacked on fresh seaweed.This one is just so cute.... Silas, putting up the tent.
out of time sequence, but I'm sure you've guessed that.

Caleb Silas
Silas Malachi

We visited 'Starfish City' this winter on one of the coldest days of the year! As many times as we've visited Santa Cruz, we've never seen this vast treasure trove of sea life. There were anemones, muscles, barnacles - huge and small, crabs, snails, misc. crustaceans. Sooo cool. I'll post other pics. I thought I'd named them so they'd be easier to find, but only 'Starfish City', so named by Caleb.
Silas making a sand pile

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Looks like you had a great start to the new year! I sent you and email, but would also like to THANK YOU on your blog. Happy New Year, Aquino Clan!