I still follow the elimination diet, with my gut, there was too much damage to go back to foods. Also found that there were foods on the allowed list my body didn't tolerate like tomatos, then became sensative to foods I leaned more heavily on than normal. Create your own list, listen to your body. Each person metabolizes things differently.
My list is a living list, it changes. Enjoyed coconut products so much, various forms, that I no longer can enjoy them:( Learning as I go. Some foods I can have occasionally, like avocados. Have them too many days in a row, then I become sensitive to them. I am loosely following a rotation diet for some items, giving my body 3+ days between eating them. Recently heard SAM-e may help metabolize sulphur better and allow garlic and onions back into my life. Sure would love that! Will advise if I try it.
When I went gluten free, the only spice I used overused was garlic. Having read that many spices contain gluten and aren't labeled.
Where to start. I have a sheet laid out by food groups with Allowed and Avoid columns. That won't work here. If this makes your head spin, mine does too! Photographing and journaling about the foods we do eat is therapeutic and fun. I get recipes online usually. Ideas, places to step off from. Most every recipe I encounter needs to be modified some how. Check out my photos on face book for comments and recipes.
ALLOWED(means we can eat it):
Chicken, Turkey, Lamb, fish, unprocessed cold cuts/sausage,
-All veggies (preferably fresh), all beans (except soy)
-All Fruits (except for citrus and strawberries)
-Cold pressed unrefined oils, olive oil, coconut oil, clarified butter(ghee), flax, sesame, pumpkin seeds, nut butters, almonds, macadamia, pecans, salt, pepper and spices.
-Milk substitutes such as rice and nut milks, coconut milk(no additives)
-Water, caffeine-free herbal teas(non-citrus)
-Breads/cereal/pasta - Any made of rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet, potato flour, tapioca starch, buckwheat, gluten free flour based products, tapioca bread, gluten free bread, gluten free waffles, rice pasta
-Sweeteners - Stevia, agave nectar, fruit sweetened.
AVOID (means no eating)
-Beef, shellfish, tofu, tempeh, soy protein isolate(found in protein drinks and food bars)
-Creamed vegetables or vegetables with sauces and soy products, corn
-Citrus, strawberries, dried fruit containing sulfur preservatives
-Margarine, shortening, butter, refined oils, all types of vinegar,( includes most condiments and salad dressings), soy sauce
- All Dairy products from any animal -Milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, yogurt, cream, non-dairy creamer, soy milk
- Milk, coffee, decaf coffee, tea, citrus, alcohol, soda pop
- sugar, chocolate, honey, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, maple syrup
-All corn products, including corn starch
-ALL PRODUCTS MADE WITH GLUTEN - products made with wheat, oats, spelt, kamut, rye, barley
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