Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bikes and Hair

Used to be able to reorder the pictures. Fun pics, but days mixed together.

Trampoline Hockey

Shaken, not stirred.
Patch of blue sky over Mission Peak.
Not telling.
Man down! Man down!

Oy vey. What a headache all this playings giving me!

Racing by.

Friday, January 02, 2009


Today while I was sweating, cutting, pruning, and otherwise whipping 10 of the 20+ rosebushes in my yard into shape I had a keen sense of how they don't belong to me. Renting this house, working in the yard is so different from owning a home. I am working hard this season, to reap a reward in a future season, or even a year or two out, while knowing,as a renter, I may not be here for the reward.

It has given me an idea of what stewardship means. Everything we have, we don't own, God does. As a homeowner it is easier to forget we are stewards, managers for God. Things change so quickly, we get a false sense of security in our things.

Here's to hoping I'll see some beautiful roses.