Caleb and Auntie EB massage eachothers toe. If you massage my toe, I'll massage yours! Silas has to forage under the dining room table. Soccer and friends
Friday, June 09, 2006
Kitchen counter remodel. Silas helped put the groceries away.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
2 years ago on our way to Oregon and Family reunion. Malachi in the grass.
Nathaniel will be 9 this month, Zachary 7, Caleb 5, Luke 4, Malachi 3, Michael 3, Silas 9months and Hannah and Andrew 3months. Yes that makes 9 grandbabies for the very proud Grammie.
Gluten free and grain free. I’m the homeschooling mom of 3 beautiful boys. My teaching style is eclectic, with a foundation in classical education. Making Christ Lord of every aspect of my life while purposefully sharing my story, my hope in Christ, and the freedom I’ve found inspire this blog.