Monday, September 25, 2006

More boyzzzz

Caleb and Malachi plant thier winter flower bulbs. Even this is a contest.....each has thier own flower bed.

Funny starts early here. Papa utot (aka farted). Silas laughed and then clapped. He's a real mans man:)

Angel or wild child?

Our Monkeys
Aquino Bobsled Team
Wild wild wild BOY, You're it. If you look carefully, Caleb does in fact have a reverse mohawk! Malachi and Caleb decided to give themselves haircuts last week during quiet time. Malachi had some baldish spots on his scalp, growing out already:) Caleb has always wanted a mohawk or reverse mohawk:-o

Adorable and wild all in one little package:)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Homeschool Subjects 2006-2007 Schoolyear

Here is our plan this year for homeschooling. The best part of homeschooling is the flexibility we have to make day-by-day changes, moment-by-moment changes, when something is working well, or not working so well. Many of you have questions about what is it we're doing. Your questions, comments, and even concerns and suggestions are always welcome to Lawrence and Heidi. We are fucusing more on learning to read at the moment, because Caleb is very interested. We do a lesson, then he writes the sounds(his favorite part). We are learning phonograms, that means we call the letters the sound/s (mmmm) rather than the name of the letter(m). The school year began on September 5 (Silas's birthday!) this year, so we have just completed our first week of school. Already there are adjustments based on what works better for his learning. I'm going to try to post our color coded daily schedule, but I don't think that will post, so if any of you are interested in seeing it(yes, I actually made us a color coded weekly schedule!) I'll email you a copy:)
Caleb 2006-2007 School Subjects

1. Language Arts - Sing Spell Read and Write
30-60 minutes []


Phonics, Spelling, Grammar, Creative Expression,
Writing []

2. Math - Math-U-See []
30 minutes

Pattern Blocks

3. Read Aloud - Classics, Nature, Science, History, Misc.
30 minutes

4. History - Included in Read Aloud time

5. Geography - Part of Read Aloud AND Smart Globe

6. Science - Read Aloud [Field Trips] 1x per month

7. Art - Sun Gallery in Hayward [Fridays 10a-11a] {}

8. Physical Education - Swimming Lessons on Saturdays

9. Music Piano Lessons

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hayward Shoreline Plant Species.

Jedi Brother Malachi
Jedi Brother Caleb

First popsicle

Sydney, our shoreline buddy.

Ask Caleb about Pickle weed or salt marsh grass. What is a salt marsh indicator?

Silas Turns ONE!!!!!

Silas reporting for duty. Will you let me eat dirt if I water the plants?
Water balloons, what better way to water plants is there?
Just Malachi and a train or two.

Mad Malachi.
The German shows through. Yes, this is saurkraut. Mmmmmm.
I'm waiting for your call.
Arnold the Aligator

Our baby is getting older

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Youngest Jedi

Sir licks-a-lot can be fierce.

Rrrruuuunnnn. In slow mo.

The jedi forces run amuck all over the property, inside and out!

Silas loves to play with the light saber. He likes to hit his brothers with it:0 Testosterone is present at a young age!

Silas is 1 year old now, Today. Sept 5.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Thursday, July 13, 2006

fathers day takes flight

This is what happens when I lay down for a nap.

come on Silas, smile.

Aunt Sally and Uncle Jack Bowder 40th Anniversary

Silas had his 1st haircut, then played in the hair as I cut every one elses hair.

Uncle Stefen helping me figure out how to use his camera to capture him multi-tasking, holding Hanna and Andrew while eating.